I could easily use today's entry to vent the medium sized stress fracture I experienced last night, but I won't. Because it would be in violation of my new and growing Rules...
#1- I will refrain from venting irrelevant to this blog. No commentary on how celebrities spend their time, no political rants, no family drama. I would like to stay as positive as possible, since I really do have a lot to be thankful for. I can vent DIY house or wedding frustrations for the sake of my sanity, but I must end things on a positive note.
#2- I will
try not to pepper "foul language" into my writing. I really do love bad words, and in real life I can continue in my pirate ways. However I will maintain a level of forced professionalism and self-control when sending my thoughts and misadventures in life pout into the world, no matter if they are read or not. There WILL be a time when I use a bad word and then you'll really know I mean it...
#3- I will post once daily...for the most part. No promises that 6 mos. in and I haven't received ONE comment wont have me rethinking my newest hobby, but I will try to stay connected and keep the promise to myself to make this fun and exciting for me. (holidays and honeymoons may be excused)
That's all I have so far but I may add (or subtract-hey this
is my pony show) as I go on. I'm hoping and expecting that as time passes, the purpose of this documentary writing assignment will grow and settle into something lovely.
I'm excited to start documenting my slow shift into this new phase of life. The move, the projects, the woes, the wins and eventually The Wedding. But I'm too busy to fret about that now!
It's Christmas!!! Smile, love, forgive or forget-whatever! Just don't get too drunk and remember to leave out some cookies!